Sustainably Sourced

At Beezi Honey’s very core is the belief in the preservation of natural habitats and building an environmentally responsible business.

Learn About Honey

How many different honeys are there in Australia? It’s time to deep dive into the wonderful world of Australian honey.

100% Raw Honey

Our honey is pure and simple, from hive to home, just as nature intended. 100% honey collected by our network of beekeepers.

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Raw Honey8

Health & Nutrition15

Candles & Beeswax7

Body Care11



Honey Supplements

Browse our handcrafted body care products made with ingredients from the hive.

Manuka Honey

Browse our raw, unfiltered and organic Manuka honeys.


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our story

Guardians of

Honey Since 1983

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Customers Say

4.85 Average Based on 524 reviews


The Benefits of

Honey Products

The benefits of raw honey include the nutrients and antioxidants it contains. Honey is also better for your blood sugar and your heart, and it may promote healing. Honey is a syrupy liquid that honeybees make from plant nectar.

Contains a variety
of nutrients
Improve health and
immune support
Better for blood
sugar levels
Promotes burn and
wound healing


Stories From
The Hive
Same-day local delivery
Ground shipping directly to you
Free in-store pickup

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